Excited that I have sent off my first peer-reviewed journal article for publication. Though I can’t share my full article (for obvious reasons), I can share my proposal. Note, that as always, the actual paper has evolved from this proposal, but you get the gist of where I was going.
Libertarianism has a problem, perhaps an insurmountable one, and its problem lies squarely in the domain from which it is sourced: the intellectual and political elite of the West. As such, it rests on an ontological viewpoint far outside the purview and experience of quotidian man. Furthermore, it rests on an epistemology of the person as sovereign, Natural Law, which requires a concomitant education or understanding of the Classics, or at least self-awareness and the ability to think logically. Thus, most people are incapable of following the Libertarian arguments of personal sovereignty and instead submit. This unconscious submission to the authority of a government, father figure, or other self-appointed “authority” relieves the individual of the psychological pain of breaking out of the herd. C. G. Jung (1875-1961) was adamant that to be an individual is a radical act: “To develop one’s own personality is indeed an unpopular undertaking, a deviation that is highly uncongenial to the herd, an eccentricity smelling of the cenobite, as it seems to the outsider. (1946/1954, Para. 298). Further, Alexander Hamilton (1755 or 1747 – 1804) noted that the elite are more than happy to have the masses submit to their authority without question as it advances their control: “a fondness for power is implanted in most men, and it is natural to abuse it when acquired” (1775, n.p.). The rest of this article explores this psychosis of authority and how Libertarianism suffers in popularity as a result.
Selected and Proposed Sources
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Garner, B. A., & Black, H. C., (1994). Black’s law dictionary. 6th ed. St. Paul, MN: West.
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Jung, C. G. (1983). The undiscovered self. In A. Storr (Ed.). The essential Jung: Selected writings. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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State of California (1969). Detention of mentally disordered persons for evaluation and treatment [5150 – 5155]. Retrieved from https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=WIC§ionNum=5150
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Pythagoras, ., (1925). Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Volume I, Books 1-5 (Loeb Classical Library No. 184). In R. D. Hicks (Trans.). Boston, MA: Harvard University Press.